Cookies policy

According to Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, please note that this website, like most websites on the Internet, uses Cookies to improve and optimise the user’s experience. Below you will find detailed information on what “Cookies” are, what type this website uses, how to change the configuration of your cookies, and what happens if you disable Cookies.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file that is downloaded to the user’s computer to store data, which can be updated and retrieved by the organisation responsible for its installation.

What type of cookies does this website use?

DGH Robótica, automatización y mantenimiento industrial, S.A. (hereinafter DGH), uses the following types of cookies:

Classified by ownership:
*    First-party cookies: sent and managed directly by DGH.
*    Third-party cookies: sent and managed by a third party external to DGH, anonymously, to carry out statistical studies of browsing on DGH’s web pages.

Classified according to their purpose:
*    Technical and/or personalisation cookies: they facilitate browsing, by identifying the session, allowing access to restricted access tools, as well as customising the available options. They enable the service previously requested by the user to be provided.
*    Analysis and/or advertising cookies: they allow us to know the number of visits received in the different sections of the web pages, the habits and trends of its users and, consequently, to be able to improve browsing and the service offered by DGH (basically, Google Analytics), as well as to manage the advertising spaces included in the web page visited by the user. It collects data anonymously in order to obtain user browsing profiles.

Classified according to their duration:
*    Session cookies: these collect and store data while the user accesses the website.
*    Persistent cookies: these collect and store data in the user’s terminal for a variable period of time depending on the purpose for which they have been used.

The length of time cookies are kept will depend on the type of cookie in question and will always be the minimum necessary to fulfil their purpose.

How can you set your Cookies?

When browsing and continuing on our website you will be consenting to the use of Cookies under the conditions contained in this Cookies Policy. You as a user have the possibility of exercising your right to block, delete and reject the use of Cookies, at any time, by modifying the options of your browser.

For example:

1 – Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Settings. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser Help.

For more information, you can consult Microsoft support  or browser Help.

2 – Firefox: Tools > Options > Privacy > History > Custom Settings.

For more information, you can consult Mozilla support  or browser Help.

3 – Chrome: Settings > Show advanced options > Privacy -> Content settings.

For more information, you can consult Google support  or browser Help.

4 – Safari: Preferences > Security.

For more information, you can consult Apple support  or browser Help.

5 – Opera: Settings > Options > Advanced > Cookies

For more information, you can consult Opera support  or browser Help.

If you use a browser other than those listed above, please consult its policy on the installation, use and blocking of cookies.

What happens if cookies are disabled?

Certain features of this website’s Services and areas of this website may not function properly if cookies are disabled.

Do we update our Cookie Policy?

We may update the Cookie Policy on our website, so we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our website in order to be properly informed about how and what we use cookies for.